Almost a year after Michael Strahan left Live, Kelly Ripa has finally announced her new cohost – Ryan Seacrest. Starting today, Ryan Seacrest will join Kelly Ripa on the morning talk show.
On Sunday, Kelly tweeted the following video – hinting at a big announcement that would come the following day.
We’re going to need a bigger mug. #TuneInToLive #BigAnnouncement #LiveKellyCohost
— Kelly Ripa (@KellyRipa) April 30, 2017
On this morning’s show, Kelly kicked things off by saying the following: “Today, the next chapter of the ‘Live’ story is about to be written,” she said. “Today, my new cohost will officially be joining me on ‘Live.’ And today is a very good day.”
Kelly then thanked her guest cohosts that appeared on the show with her in the past year by saying, “Thanks is not a big enough word, but they took time out of their busy schedules and took time away from their day jobs to hang out with me in the morning. And part of what makes today so special is by helping out we all became family.”
Kelly then brought out Ryan for the big reveal – watch the video below to see exactly how it played out!