On Tuesday, someone reached out on social media to tell Meg about a fan named Shaniah who had died unexpectedly. Shaniah’s family was struggling with funeral expenses. The message said, “Meg we lost a hottie 😭 our best friend passed away unexpectedly. They absolutely loved you, listening to ur songs was something we did every time we were together. We’re helping their family w funeral costs. We started a gofundme & are halfway there. @theestallion.” Meg stepped up and donated $8,155 to help the family reach their $16,000 goal. She posted the donation as well as some blue hearts on Twitter.
How much do y’all need? https://t.co/A4tTJRTrMv
— TINA SNOW (@theestallion) June 16, 2021
💙💙💙 https://t.co/dOUIJJVlg0 pic.twitter.com/1ReMt3kSfi
— TINA SNOW (@theestallion) June 16, 2021