Justin Timberlake attempted the popular Beat Ya Feet dance at DC’s Something in the Water Festival last Saturday night but fumbled with his steps and the internet roasted him. He took all the jokes in good humor, and posted an “apology” for his dance moves on his Instagram Stories on Wednesday. “I wanna apologize to you for two reasons,” he addressed the camera while wearing a white T-shirt and sweatpants. “Here and here,” as Justin pointed to his two feet and began to berate them. “I had a long talk with both of them, individually,” he continued. “‘Don’t you ever do that to me again.'” Joking, he added, “Maybe it was the khakis. It was a real khaki vibe.” He concluded his video by promising to do better.
Why does Justin Timberlake now move like me dancing to Justin Timberlake at the club? pic.twitter.com/bOVc8MPg7a
— Lee STREAM #BREAKMYSOUL (@JustifyMyLee) June 19, 2022