This man has officially lost his mind! Fyre Festival creator Billy McFarland is apparently ready for a round 2.
🔥 Fyre Festival II is finally happening.
Tell me why you should be invited.
— Billy McFarland (@pyrtbilly) April 10, 2023
Mind you, this is the same situation that landed him in prison for 4 years. That feels like it should be reason enough for a rebrand, but what do I know! Naturally, he’s getting a lot of backlash for this.
it’s in the best interest of those I owe for me to be working. people aren’t getting paid back if i sit on the couch and watch tv.
and because i served my time.
— Billy McFarland (@pyrtbilly) April 11, 2023
To be fair, I do get his point and don’t necessarily think he should stop working all together. Why the need to try to make Fyre Fest work at this point though? Ain’t nothing wrong with pivoting, Billy!