1. STRIVE, a South Portland-based program that serves hundreds of developmentally delayed children, teens and young adults set a new fundraising record, raising more than $85,937 at its annual all-night dance marathon known as STRIVE Rocks. The event was held at the Cross Insurance Arena in Portland. (PH)
2. The Maine Red Claws earned a come-from-behind 129-123 win over the Grand Rapids Drive to clinch an NBA D-League playoff berth Sunday afternoon at the Portland Expo. (PH)
3. Woodfords Corner in Portland is gearing up for a face-lift. The Portland City Council will vote on funding to redesign the intersection March 21. Long-planned improvements including a new public plaza in front of the landmark Odd Fellows Hall and dedicated bike lanes on Forest Avenue, are scheduled to move forward next spring. Private development plans have been approved to create 25 units of market-rate housing in a former church. And a new upscale restaurant recently opened there, adding to eating options. (PH)
3. Oregon, Kansas, Virginia and North Carolina were all announced as #1 seeds when the pool of 68 NCAA men’s basketball tournament teams was unveiled yesterday. The “first four” play in games start tomorrow. The “first round” gets underway Thursday. #MarchMadness (NCAA)
4. Today is Pi Day. This day is meant to celebrate the number Pi (3.141592653589793238462643383…), which represents the relationship between the diameter and circumference of a circle, and is a mathematical constant.