1. Over 1,000 people died on Wednesday from the coronavirus in the United States. The previous high for corona deaths was Tuesday, with 504. The Johns Hopkins coronavirus database says that as of late Wednesday, 5,116 Americans have died and over 215,000 have been infected from the virus. (USA TODAY)
2. According to Wednesday’s Daily CDC briefing there are now 344 confirmed coronavirus cases in 13 Maine counties. Seven people have died of COVID-19 in Maine. 63 people have been hospitalized and 80 people have fully recovered. (WGME)
3. Governor Janet Mills’ “Stay Healthy at Home” order is in effect for the state. Mainers are prohibited from leaving their homes unless they’re preforming an essential task, essential job or an approved non-essential task. Essential stores will have to limit the number of people they allow into their business and enforce a six-foot separation between any customers waiting in lines. (WGME)
4. Bath Iron Works announced Wednesday that it donated 3,200 medical-grade N95 respirators to MaineHealth to help fight COVID-19. Supplies of the masks are critically low throughout the country, including in Maine. (NEWS CENTER MAINE)
5. Aroma Joe’s have given away over 14,000 cups of coffee to healthcare workers since March 16. They announced yesterday on Instagram they would be extending their appreciation through April. Free 16 oz hot or iced coffee for healthcare workers with valid healthcare ID. (AROMA JOE’S)
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