Nicki Minaj’s ex-boyfriend Safaree Samuels seemed to be calm and collected following their break-up earlier this year. However, yesterday he released his latest single, “Love The Most,” and threw some shade at Nicki and their 12-year relationship. Samuels claimed that he deserved more credit for her rise to fame and also hinted that she had been using pills. Minaj took to twitter late last night after remaining quiet for most of the day to put and end to Safaree’s “pity party”. Check it out below:
Photo Courtesy of AP Images.
Don’t make me do this
Lesson: don’t cheat on a loyal woman. God will punish u. When he does, tell people the truth. The truth may set u free. Love. Always.
Took a person with me to fame & fortune. These dudes leave their girl in the hood. Tell ppl the truth or you will b doomed. 

Enough with the pity party. Just live your life.
God gave me a good heart. I always let ppl get over on me way too long. But that’s why I’m blessed. I’ll always b blessed. May God keep u
And just for the record, I’m in love with meek.