(Podcast) Hot Mornings – 3.25.22 Kidnappers Returned Me
3.25.22 Kidnappers Returned Me... (Intro) Feel Good Friday (Topic) Fill in the blank. My kidnappers returned me after listening to ...
3.25.22 Kidnappers Returned Me... (Intro) Feel Good Friday (Topic) Fill in the blank. My kidnappers returned me after listening to ...
3.24.22 When I Grow Up... (Intro) National Cocktail Day (Topic) When you were a kid, what did you want to ...
3.23.22 Celebrity Run-Ins... (Intro) Miami Spring Break Chaos (Topic) Who’s the most famous person you’ve bumped into? (Dirty) Kim Kardashian ...
3.22.22 Change Your Name... (Intro) Kindergarten Encouragement (Topic) If you were to change your name right now, what would you ...
3.21.22 Annoying Coworkers.. (Intro) Weekend Recap (Topic) Do you work with someone who gets on your nerves? What do they ...
3.17.22 Last Time You Got Lucky... (Intro) St. Patrick’s Day Facts (Topic) When is the last time you got lucky? ...
3.16.22 Men Lie... (Intro) The Rock’s Breakfast (Topic) What’s the worst lie you’ve heard come out of a man’s mouth? ...
3.15.22 Wheels Or Doors... (Intro) Daylight Saving Time (Topic) Are there more doors or wheels in the world? (5TYNTK) Gas ...
3.14.22 Happy Pi Day... (Interview) Author Josh Barnum - Grass Is Always Greener - A Tool Kit for Dating Women ...
3.11.22 Caught Naked... (Intro) Feel Good Friday (Topic) Has anyone ever accidentally seen you naked? What happened? (Dirty) Little Ukrainian ...