In an unexpected and delightful reunion on Saturday night (December 9) in New York City, Mariah Carey’s Merry Christmas One & All! Tour at Madison Square Garden featured a surprise appearance by Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson. The trio, who previously collaborated on Carey’s 2020 holiday release, “Oh Santa!”, took to the stage for a festive live performance of the song.
Originally part of Carey’s Merry Christmas II You album, “Oh Santa!” showcased the collective talents of Carey, Grande, and Hudson as they seamlessly traded verses and harmonized on the Christmas tune. The collaboration was not only a musical event but also a creative venture for Carey as a producer. Reflecting on the experience in a December 2020 interview with Billboard, Carey expressed her excitement about working with different vocal textures and reimagining the song.
Mariah Carey’s Merry Christmas One And All tour stops at the TD Garden in Boston tonight (12/11/23)!