In an age where everything is played out on social media, that even includes family drama. The Thotiana rapper Blueface is recording all of his family’s problems over social media and it doesn’t look good.
He was filmed by both his mother and his sister Kali kicking them out of his Los Angeles home. Apparently, one of his girlfriends refused to greet his mom which kicked off the drama. The rapper allegedly sided with his girlfriends. Here is the video of him kicking out his family:
In the video, you can see him kicking out his mother and sister as he yells, “Get out of my house.” Once the two were outside of the house, his mom tells him “I love you, take care of yourself.”
Blueface gave his opinion of the situation and said “Sheesh you know it’s getting hectic when yo own momma do it for the clout.”
His sister then responded with “You only got clout cuz of mommy stupid! How you think you got here? Saddest thing is she paid all those studio sessions when you was living in your car!” In response, he claims that he created his stardom on his own and that his family is now trying to benefit off this situation and his career.
This is a very unfortunate situation for the family and there will definitely be more back and forth on social media to come.