Not a good look for homeboy, Tyler Collins. Not only are you dropping a routine fly ball (yeah, the lights are bright, blah blah blah) but you’re then gonna get mad at your own crowd for boo-ing you? Literally crumbled under the slightest bit of pressure and decided that the best course of action to combat it was to flip up the finger and say “F_ck everybody here!”
Power move of the century, if you ask me. You’re up by 6 runs in the top of the 6th. Maybe just take the error, somehow gesture to the crowd and your team that you messed up and you’re sorry ’bout it, and maybe don’t literally say “F_ck everybody here.” Everybody there does not make millions of dollars to play an actual game, so they spent their own real money to watch you not drop a fly ball and also disrespect them in numerous ways all within the same general time-frame.
All I know is I couldn’t possibly care any less about Michigan sports teams now that Pavel left the Red Wings, so this is just laughable to me. You stay classy, Detroit! B’lieve dat.