*Warning: Profane language is used in this video
Although this strays away from the pop / hip-hop type scene, pop-punk front man Parker Cannon of The Story So Far (honestly one of my favorite bands) makes it clear that he’s not a fan of stage selfies. There’s definitely something to be learned here. I’m sure some artists will jump in the picture with you, but I’m willing to bet that most of the time, you’ll get a nice roundhouse kick to the noggin if you pull some ish like this. On the real, let artists/entertainers do their thing on stage, and only get up on it if they tell you to, or you’ll end up like homegirl here.
**read in Will Ferrell voice**
“Hey look at me! I’m getting on stage to take a good pictur–AH I’M DEAD!”
B’lieve dat.